
Thursday, October 13, 2022

Outline of Revelation


The following four commentaries will serve as the information providers throughout sharing the book of Revelation. I will use “The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible” as the primary resource. Cited versions of the Bible will occur throughout. 

1 Leadership Ministries Worldwide. 1996. Revelation. The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible. Chattanooga, TN: Leadership Ministries Worldwide.

2 Spence-Jones, H. D. M., ed. 1909. Revelation. The Pulpit Commentary. London; New York: Funk & Wagnalls Company.

3 Barton, Bruce B. 2000. Revelation. Edited by Grant R. Osborne. Life Application Bible Commentary. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.

4 Butler, John G. 2010. Analytical Bible Expositor: Revelation. Clinton, IA: LBC Publications.

Outline of Revelation


                               I.            THE GREAT REVELATION TO GOD’S SERVANTS, 1:1–8

A.    The Great Revelation, 1:1–3

B.     The Great Announcement to the Churches, 1:4–8 

VISION ONE, 1:9–3:22


                            II.            THE MESSAGES OF THE GLORIFIED CHRIST TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES, 1:9–3:22

A.    The Son of Man, the Glorified Christ, 1:9–20

B.     The Message to Ephesus: The Church That Is Orthodox (Doctrinally Correct) but Without Love, 2:1–7

C.    The Message to Smyrna: The Church That Is Persecuted, 2:8–11

D.    The Message to Pergamos: The Church That Is Corrupted and Married to the World, 2:12–17

E.     The Message to Thyatira: The Church That Is Compromising or Permissive, 2:18–29

F.     The Message to Sardis: The Church That Has a Strong Reputation but Is Dying, 3:1–6

G.    The Message to Philadelphia: The Church That Is Faithful and Alive, 3:7–13

H.    The Message to Laodicea: The Church That Is Affluent but Lukewarm and Half-Committed, 3:14–22 

VISION TWO, 4:1–16:21


                         III.            THE PICTURE OF THINGS HEREAFTER, 4:1–5:14

In this vision, two great things are seen. First, the throne of God is seen, then second, God Himself is seen holding a Book, a Book which contains the destiny of the world in the end times. However, the Book is sealed, for no one is found worthy to open and execute the events of the Book. Just when John despairs, One steps forward who is worthy, the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, who was slain before the foundation of the earth.

A.    The Throne of God: The Focal Point of History, 4:1–11

B.     The Book of Destiny Is Sealed: The Future of the World, 5:1–4

C.    The Book of Destiny Is Opened: The Lamb Alone Is Worthy to Open the Book, 5:5–14


                         IV.            THE SEVEN SEAL JUDGMENTS: EVENTS PRECEDING THE GREAT TRIBULATION, 6:1–7:17

Christ breaks the first six seals of the Book or Scroll, not opening it yet; He just breaks the seals which bind the scroll together. As He breaks each seal, He reveals some event that is to take place immediately prior to the great tribulation. However, in spite of these terrible events, there is to be a remnant of believers saved, a remnant that stands fast for Christ.

A.    The Lamb Breaks the First Four Seals of the Book of Destiny: The Appearance of the Antichrist and His Power, 6:1–8

B.     The Lamb Breaks the Fifth Seal: The Slain Martyrs, 6:9–11

C.    The Lamb Breaks the Sixth Seal: The Great Day of God’s Wrath Begins—the Universe Will Be Shattered, 6:12–17

D.    The Fate of Believers in the Great Tribulation (Part I): A Remnant of 144,000 from Israel Will Be Saved, 7:1–8

E.     The Fate of Believers in the Great Tribulation (Part II): A Countless Multitude of Martyrs Will Be with the Lord, 7:9–17


                            V.            THE SEVEN TRUMPET JUDGMENTS: EVENTS DURING THE GREAT TRIBULATION, 8:1–11:19

In breaking the seventh seal, an awesome revelation is made. Seven terrible judgments, called the trumpet judgments, are to be unleashed upon the earth. These are the actual events of the great tribulation. However, there is the prophetic message of salvation—a remnant is to be saved. The blast of the seventh trumpet brings forth an overall picture of things to come. Three of these things are of such importance they are said to be wonders or signs and they are covered in great detail.

A.    The Breaking of the Seventh Seal: Awesome Preparation for Judgment, 8:1–5

B.     The Blast of the First Four Trumpets: Natural Catastrophes, 8:6–12

C.    The Blast of the Fifth Trumpet: A Demonic-like Locust Plague upon the Ungodly and Evil, 8:13–9:11

D.    The Blast of the Sixth Trumpet: Demonic-like Military Horsemen, 9:12–21

E.     The Great Announcement of the Final Triumph over Evil (Part I): The Little Book, 10:1–11

F.     The Final Triumph over Evil (Part II): The Great Destruction of Israel and Jerusalem, 11:1–2

G.    The Final Triumph over Evil (Part III): The Two Witnesses—How Israel Turns to God, 11:3–13

H.    The Final Triumph over Evil (Part IV): An Overall Picture of Things to Come, 11:14–19



The seventh trumpet, part 1, shows that there are great spiritual and cosmic beings struggling behind the earthly scenes of history.

A.    The Central Characters in the Great Tribulation, 12:1–5

B.     The Mighty Spiritual Struggle Behind the Great Tribulation, 12:6–17



The seventh trumpet, part 2, reveals just how the dragon, that old serpent the devil, carries out his attack upon God’s people through human politics and religion.

A.    The Attack Through the First Beast: A Political Ruler, 13:1–10

B.     The Attack Through the Second Beast: A False Prophet, 13:11–18



The seventh trumpet, part 3, gives much-needed assurance that all things are in God’s hands. The false Christ, the beast, and the godless civilization will be destroyed, and the true Christ and His followers will be saved eternally.

A.    Assurance 1: The Redeemed Will Be with Jesus Christ, 14:1–5

B.     Assurance 2: The Gospel Will Be Preached to the Whole World, 14:6–7

C.    Assurance 3: Babylon, the Godless State, and Religion, Will Fall, 14:8

D.    Assurance 4: Justice Will Be Executed, 14:9–12

E.     Assurance 5: The Dead Will Be at Rest and Rewarded, 14:13

F.     Assurance 6: The Glorious Harvest of the Godly Will Take Place, 14:14–16

G.    Assurance 7: The Terrible Harvest of the Ungodly Will Take Place, 14:17–20



The seventh trumpet blasts forth its judgments, and the judgments come fast and furious. Why? Because they are the very last judgments. God has decided to end human history. He has decided to stop all the ungodliness and evil of this world. He can no longer take the rebellion, denial, cursing, immorality, stealing, drunkenness, sorcery, and murder of man. Therefore, Jesus Christ will destroy all the ungodly and evil of this world and do it quickly.

A.    The Heavenly Preparation for Judgment, 15:1–8

B.     The Pouring Out of the Bowl Judgments, 16:1–21 

VISION THREE, 17:1–20:15


                            X.            THE JUDGMENT OF BOTH RELIGIOUS BABYLON AND POLITICAL BABYLON, 17:1–18:24

Jesus Christ is coming back to this earth, and He is going to establish the righteousness of God forever and ever. But before He can come and establish righteousness in the earth, a few things have to be done.

Ø  All the godless and evil armies of this world have to be destroyed. This was seen in the former chapter (Revelation Chapter 16).

Ø  All the false religion in this world has to be destroyed (Revelation, Chapter 17).

Ø  All the godless governments and politics and social systems of this world have to be destroyed (Revelation Chapter 18).

When these three things are done, then the ungodly and evil of this earth will be removed and Jesus Christ can come and set up His kingdom of righteousness. As stated, the armies were destroyed in the former chapter. Now God shows us how both false religion and the godless governments and politics of this world will be destroyed.

A.    The Description of Religious Babylon, of False Religion, 17:1–6

B.     The Power Behind Religious Babylon, Behind False Religion: The Beast or Antichrist, 17:7–18

C.    The Collapse of Political Babylon, 18:1–24


                         XI.            THE GREAT WEDDING SUPPER OF THE LAMB, OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, 19:1–10

This is the great Marriage Supper of the Lamb, of the Lord Jesus Christ. This will be the great supper where all of heaven will be present to celebrate the union of Jesus Christ and the believers who have followed Him down through the centuries. Everyone in heaven will be there: God, Christ, believers, and the heavenly host. It will be the most celebrated and joyful event ever experienced up to that point in history. Why? Because it will be the great Marriage Supper of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the celebration of the very thing for which He died. It will be the first time that all the redeemed of all ages will come together at one time to honor the Lamb who was slain to redeem the universe. Because of what He has done for man, He is deserving of all the honor and praise possible. To give Him such glorious honor, God has planned the greatest celebration and banquet imaginable, the celebration of what He calls the great Marriage Supper of the Lamb (v.9).


                      XII.            THE FINAL TRIUMPH: THE MILLENNIUM USHERED IN, 19:11–20:15

This is the final triumph of Jesus Christ upon the earth. Six events will take place that will bring about a new heaven and earth and that will usher in eternity. These events will bring about the very thing for which God has launched human history: the perfect fellowship and communion between God and man throughout all eternity. These six events will bring about the glorious day when believers will worship and serve God—when they will labor and work for Him throughout the whole universe and do it in perfection forever and ever.

A.    The Coming of Christ As Conqueror, 19:11–16

B.     The Great Battle of Armageddon, 19:17–21

C.    The Great Removal and Binding of Satan, 20:1–3

D.    The First Resurrection and Millennial Reign of Christ, 20:4–6

E.     The Return of Satan and His Eternal Fate, 20:7–10

F.     The Final Resurrection and Judgment of Unbelievers: The Great White Throne, 20:11–15 

VISION FOUR, 21:1–22:21



A.    The New Heavens and the New Earth, 21:1–8

B.     The New Jerusalem, the City of God (Part I): Its Description, 21:9–23

C.    The New Jerusalem, the City of God (Part II): Its Citizens and Provisions, 21:24–22:5


                    XIV.            THE GREAT MESSAGE OF REVELATION: ELEVEN STIRRING FACTS, 22:6–21[1]

[1] Leadership Ministries Worldwide. 1996. Revelation. The Preacher’s Outline & Sermon Bible. Chattanooga, TN: Leadership Ministries Worldwide. 

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